Wednesday, April 26


It's my birthday, which means that I lived for one more year. Another year that God has blessed this earth my me! hehe...

If you know my story, it is truely a blessing to be alive and have another birthday. Now that my life is blessed with a awesome wife and two GREAT kids... can't think of anything better.

Thanks God, you ROXXOR!

Monday, April 24

Windows XP on a Mac

Look what the world is coming to. I can now load Windows XP on a Mac!! and I have seen report after report about Windows running better on a Mac then OS X! Hmm, so Microsoft takes adavnage of hardware better then the program made to be loaded on a Mac? Just goes to show that Microsoft is a great company.

So I was talking to a buddy about the future of computers and where we'll be in a year or two, and this is what I came up with:
No more Mac and PC wars...all will be one... all one under one flag...

MICROSOFT!! What a great world we would live in, if that happens. Oh, did I tell you I'm a Microsoft FREAK?! Now you know.

Friday, April 21

President Bush's New Fitness plan

There is a artical I read about a new fitness plan that is going into affect to help Americans get into shape by walking, riding bikes and jogging more. He is calling it "$3.00 a Gallon"

(This is a joke, Just FYI)

Wednesday, April 19


Today I seen yet another one of those emails or web Pages about not buying some product do to the fact they are not Christian. Hate to break it to allot of people but if you stopped buying from companies that supported (Sinners) or had (sinners) running them you would be a rich man.

To best read this insert a sin in place if sinner. (i.e. Liar, Gay, Cheater, thief, ect.)

How do with solve this? Got me...but stop making one sinner higher then another. A sin is a sin is a sin!

Da Vinci Code

Allot of talk is hitting the Christian Sceen about this movie and allot of Christians are saying to not go and see it, to not support it. They think that if they and all the people they can reach will not go see it that for some strange reason it will hit Dan Brown or the movie maker in the pocket book. You know I'm pretty sure that he is doing fine and will continue to do fine in that area.

I say Go See It! Why? because when a person that is not religious goes and sees it brings up the movie, there is your in! I think it is a great conversation starter. If you have yet to read the book and your like a good Mistery, I would pick it up. Dan Brown is a good writer, just mis-lead. All in all people will go see it. People will ask questions and you should be able to awnser. Also, if you have a solid foundation in you walk, pick up a copy of the Nag Hamndi, and read the Gosple of Thomas and Philip. Don't just go off what your heard.

What happen?

Where to start... I don't know if anyone is even chacking this page anymore, but I'll post anyway.
I started just posting junk and dumb things. I didn't think anyone would care now I'm have a ton of things to post but one not enough time and two I dislike writing. I like speaking, so I'm going to do my best to get stuff up here. We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, April 4

Been awhile...

So it's been awhile, but I've been so busy with work...Speeking of...

I'll try to post more often.