Seven years old now! Wow! Man these kids grow up fast...remember back when you were a kid and you never thought you grew up fast, but everyone always said you did... So my son turned seven and he got an entire uniform for Da Bears! Makes me so happy to see my son such a huge fan of the best football team. Kids get the coolest things! I was so proud of my son this week end, he work really hard on his room (man was it a mess) with a little direction from Dad we got it clean! Plus he let loose the greatest belch I have ever heard come out of him this weekend, he's my little man!
Also the time has come to get my little girl a big girl bed! My little girl is growing up so fast. So now we get to go out and find a bed for my little girl... I think it is going to be a really girlly bed, it is amazing all the differant outragous beds that are out there, my wife and I were looking online and seen a bed that was a castle! A CASTLE! it was huge castle bed with a house painted on it... the price it was it should have been made out of stone and had a built in moat! Then there was the Cinderella carage bed.
One more week of football, so the wife is getting happy...then the olympics start. Everyday for the past five days or so, I've been focusing my praying on my wife and how great see is. How much se does for me and my family...It is really starting to make a differance in my life and thought process...Like a fool I use to focus on all the little things that she didn't do that I thought she should... instead of all the stuff that she does do. I don't envy her life, she has to deal with Sadie after I spoil her all the time I'm with her. So I thank God for my wife. Plus she puts up with me and all my issues and habbits (man, never thought a person would be able to do that.)
Stop and Ponder: We Will See God.
Reflecting on the beauty and significance of the beatific vision, inspired
by Samuel Parkison’s new book.
3 days ago
WOW Seven... And I thought I felt old having a 4.5 year old. God Bless Ya man!!!
You're a good dad! and a good husband! It's good to hear men taking pride in those roles.
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