I coun't think of a good title. What's going on in my life? Well my Wife and Kids are still gone, I miss them so much, but I'm making it. Can't wait until Thur when they come back home, then we get to open presents and enjoy them again.
Workwise, things are going well...I just finished my umtenth VPN and finishing up my new Domain Controller and all the AD setup and GPO! Keeping busy trying to repair a bunch of servers running Windows Server 2k3 that were set up so badly, sometimes I wonder why people that don't know what they are doing as Administrators get into the business with paper Certs! I'm just extremly thankfull that the Lord has blessed me with what I have, only with his help am I where I am today.
Faithwise: Doing good, I miss praise and worship at VA... It is so hard to switch from Praise and worship back to old school hymms (sp?). But otherwise I'm doing good...Want to take a moment and tell everyone about Demon Hunter. They are a band that is Christian and they play some wonderful music. :) hehe...if you like Metal. http://www.thethirdwar.com/
Many of the member worked for Tooth and Nail... It's nice to listen to music I love in a Christian format! Praise God for giving us that gifts to express to widen our spreading of Gods word through Music. Because of them, they reach a new group of kids that would not otherwise reach.
To all that read this, thanks for your time and please feel free to comment even if it is questions of taking a debative (that a word? Is now) approuch.
Stop and Ponder: We Will See God.
Reflecting on the beauty and significance of the beatific vision, inspired
by Samuel Parkison’s new book.
3 days ago
Thought I'd stop in to see if the kids and wife were back...
Sorry was slacking after I got them... :) I posted though, just for you Bowman.
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