You scored as Pelagianism. You are a Pelagian. You reject ideas about man's fallen human nature and believe that as a result we are able to fully obey God. You are the first Briton to contribute significantly to Christian thought, but you're still excommunicated in 417.
Are you a heretic? created with |
Monday, January 30
Intresting quiz...but just a quiz...
Google and Microsoft target eBay
Yet, for all its phenomenal success, in 2006 eBay (Research) will face the toughest challenges of its 10-year history. The armies massing on its borders hail from Google (Research) and Microsoft (Research), but rather than aim for eBay's auction business, the two behemoths want to use their strength in search and advertising to build dominance in online classifieds--the format that many analysts think will define the future of e-commerce. "eBay auctions are still too hard for many consumers to navigate," says Safa Rashtchy, senior analyst covering e-commerce and search at Piper Jaffray. "Overall, people prefer to buy locally, but there hasn't been an efficient way for them to find each other."
Fans of the populist website Craigslist, of which eBay owns a 25 percent stake, might disagree. But Craigslist doesn't have an online payment system or an industrial-strength shopping search engine that could help it grow into a major global player. Not to mention that founder Craig Newmark and CEO Jim Buckmaster seem in no hurry to expand on that scale. Two of the most formidable companies on the planet, however, are in more of a rush. Google and Microsoft certainly have the resources: Some say the invasion into eBay's turf began when Louis Monier, former director of advanced technology at eBay and the wizard behind its search innovations, was poached by Google last summer. The challengers also have a motive: The burgeoning online classifieds business is growing at a far faster clip than auctions.
Microsoft is expected to launch its listings service, code-named Fremont, toward the middle of this year (as part of Windows Live). Users will be able to post classifieds for free, limit access by buddy lists, and focus listings geographically; a tie-in to MSN's Virtual Earth mapping service will help buyers and sellers find each other easily. Google's foray, called Google Base, went live in mid-November. While still rudimentary, the beta version is a powerful foundation on which Google could build any number of products that compete with eBay. A massive, searchable database, the site allows users to post everything from recipes and concert dates to used cars and job listings, and local merchants can upload inventory data so buyers can see what's on the shelves in the bricks-and-mortar stores in their neighborhoods. With eBay acquiring nearly half of its new buyers and sellers in the United States through paid listings, mostly on Google and Yahoo, it could lose buyers if Google puts its own search results first.
"People could bypass eBay altogether," says Scot Wingo, CEO of ChannelAdvisor, which helps big eBay sellers like Best Buy maximize online sales. One of Wingo's clients, online shoe retailer Grapevinehill, recently started listing its inventory on Google Base, in addition to eBay. Owner Mark Fitzgerald says he made the move in order to reach Google's broader audience, and that the new listings are already driving traffic to his store: "We definitely see some momentum building," he says.
eBay isn't blind to this shift in e-commerce. Its recent acquisitions and launches--comparison site and international classifieds site Kijiji--lend themselves to the listings business. But for now, eBay CEO Meg Whitman seems to be taking a wait-and-see approach, noting that Google hasn't enjoyed phenomenal success outside of search. "We'll be interested to see fundamentally how much traction Google Base gets relative to Gmail, relative to Google Talk," she told analysts at a Dec. 1 conference in Scottsdale, Ariz. And eBay's strongest defense could turn out to be its fraud and payment staff--more than 1,000 employees--which Google and Microsoft have yet to match. "It's a huge advantage," says analyst David Edwards of American Technology Research. "People overlook how complicated eBay's business is."
Make no mistake, eBay is still on top of the Internet pure-plays. But for the first time in its history, there may be friction in its frictionless business model.
To write a note to the editor about this article, click here.
Cool Quiz
![]() | You scored as Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix). You can change the world around you. You have a strong will and a high technical aptitude. Is it possible you are the one? Now if only Agent Smith would quit beating up your friends.
Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in? (pics) created with |
Monday, January 23
Where is all the good cheese?
So I was thinking, I know that is scary, but really...
That God is AWESOME and I am not worthy.
Post of the day right there!
Wednesday, January 18
VPN: Good or Bad?
Anyway back to the VPN... So all in all it's not done yet, this week is the deadline and I'm under pressure cause I don't have enought time in the day to do my work, plus the remaining work out there. But, some of my best work comes from being under the gun so here I go!!
OK now that I got that out I feel better and focused.
You know after I posted it I realized I didn't say if they are bad or good. The answer is both.
Bad = when used to connect an office that uses the same internet but is seperate companies to a server, but only connecting one of the companies.
Good = In any other situation.
Tuesday, January 17
Lack of compassion
I know someone that was recently in the hospitable, now when I seen his parent I ask about him and how he was doing… Why? Curious; yes. Cared about him; Not sure. And that is the part that I am wondering about. I’m Not sure. Now I could understand if I didn’t know him that well or his family, but I do… I remember when he was born and I am very close to his father. Why am I not sure? IT was making my head turn, I couldn’t nail this down! WHY?! I am Christian, I should! I don’t want to just pretend… I want to care! So I pray and then continue to live, what else is there to do? I know that compassion is one of the last gifts that I have… and I am taken Paul’s advice and praying diligently for a gift…to just have a small bit of it, or just help me understand why I don’t have that gift would be great.
Let’s throw another rock into the cog of thought process. I have a gift to evangelize; meaning I can walk up to a complete stranger and share my faith with him. Yet I really don’t care about that person. If they accept a similar belief then GREAT, if not that is ok as well. They have a life and it is their lives not mine. They get to make the choices they do, not me. If they was advice for the trip, directions on the journey, then I’m here to help and I’d be happy to do that.
REVELATION!! See this is why I write these out…it like praying to God in written form…helps me think…plus I have my friends reading this to discus. Anyway onto the Revelation; as I was writing I realized that I do care, although it may be a tiny bit, I do care. It is just not as much as maybe I think a Christian should. See God was just pointing out to me how to find what I was looking for... That I do care.. Isn’t God AWESOME!
Thursday, January 12
Leave it to my wife...
I'm blessed to have the wife I do.
Tuesday, January 10
No work done, but I am feeling blessed...
Over the years I have found myself studying baptism and salvation. Over the years I had questioned the belief of the ‘church of Christ’ that baptism equals salvation. That you are not saved until you are dunked in the water. This never made sense to me, and when I started to really study The Word it became more unclear on how this was so. Christ states several times that you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. So I continued to study…
Paul says in Ephesians 2:8&9 that "We are saved by GRACE through FAITH and not of ourselves, it is a GIFT of God, NOT as a result of WORKS, that no one should boast."
If you ever stand before Christ Jesus and He asks you why should He let you into Heaven... you had better say, "Because of what You did for me on the cross," not, "Because I was baptized".
Mark 16:16 says, "He who believes and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned."
You notice that this verse does not say, "and he who has not been baptized shall be condemned,"
Now don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a believer should not get baptized, unless there is positively no water available, or in the case of a death bed conversion. It is a command to us as Christians.
If you are not save unless you are baptized, you should tell that to the thief on the cross! He didn't have the opportunity to be water baptized and yet because he cried out to Jesus for mercy, Jesus promised him that he would be in Paradise that very day with Him!
Also Jesus was baptized, and I guarantee you it wasn't for the remission of sin... for He was the perfect, sinless Lamb of God! If it is for cleansing your sins away then why did Christ get baptized? He said it must be done. Why? It was him performing an act of giving his life to God. According to the book of Romans that you are literally buried with Christ through baptism. Noooo… baptism SYMBOLIZES Christ’s death. It SYMBOLIZES your death, burial and resurrection. It is a confirmation to God from you that you are giving your life to him. The Jews were baptized…ask yourself what John the baptizer was doing? Now, I realize that it can sometimes be hard to discern when something is to be taken literally as opposed to being a type or symbol. When it comes to baptism, though, there are simply too many Scriptures that give the plan of salvation...and leave the subject of baptism out altogether. Legalism kills! As with all issues of faith, the letter of the Law brings death, but the Spirit brings life! (II Corinthians 3:6)
Again I must reiterate that no true believer should continue in an unbaptized state. Whereas we can see that God expects us to obey Him in this sacrament, nowhere do we see Him judge those without mercy, who have accepted His Son as their Savior. Bottom line? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior...get baptized. It's the right thing to do!
Let go to Paul again, I Cor. 1:17, "Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel!" Now if baptism is the point of salvation, this statement would be utterly blasphemous. But in reality, it simply confirms what the rest of the Bible already teaches... that we are saved by grace, not works of any kind! As human beings, it is in our nature to want to earn our salvation. There is nothing wrong with wanting to please God. The problem comes in when the way we want to please God conflicts with the way He wants it. If we look at Romans 10:9-10, we see God giving us the plan of salvation in a very simple and straightforward way. The Apostle Paul says that we are saved by confessing that Jesus is (our) Lord! Now that can't be true, can it? We don't get saved by simply believing and confessing that Jesus is Lord, do we? That is just too easy. There must be more to it than that, isn't there? Don't we have to do something to earn it? According to human wisdom, we have to deserve such a great gift. But in issues of life and salvation, sometimes we have to set aside our earthly "wisdom" and simply accept God at His Word. Whether we understand God's Mercy and Grace or not, doesn't change His terms. He has made it simple so that anyone can be saved. But man comes along and tries to make it "better." But you cannot improve on perfection! God's ways are higher than our ways, and He says that salvation is a gift, that no one can earn. So my advice is to take God at his word and receive the greatest gift ever offered; Salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ!
Monday, January 9
Why do people still think like this?
With in the last five years I've come to a new realization of my Christian walk and how I am to teach and spead the word... and guess what? It's in the Bible!! That is to live the life of a Christian, as in, being a good person. Never push my beliefs onto others, but they know what and where I stand. If they have questions they know that I will not degrade their beliefs or try and convert them, that is their choice. I simple present the facts and what I know and let them choose.
Does this work? I don;t know who many I may have effected, but I do know of at least one. Got a phone call over the Holidays from a very good friend of mine that was very anti organized church and didn't belive the Bible as a whole, but was well versed in it (Had read it several times). I was just there being me and hoping to influance him. It started as him saying sorry everytime he used the Lord's name in vain or swore... At that point I knew I was affecting him. Then when he called he is a reborn Christian and dating a girl and planning on getting married... He said to me "Man, I should have listen to you more and asked you more questions!" This made me laugh and I just said, "I'm here still, ask away."
Now I'm not saying this method will reach all or will be a method that is good for all, but I would like to see people more Open minded and willing to learn and look at things in a differant light. One thing that I always found intresting about the Bible is I can read it 50+ times and get something new everytime! Now that is AMAZING!!
Thanks and God Bless.
Da Bears!
Friday, January 6
Gamer till I die!
So where is the happy balance? Is there one? If I ever find it I'll clue you in.
Thursday, January 5
What's up with the dark Webpage?
I'm slowly teaching myself basic HTML and will one day have a cool site!! So hang in there and I'll get it all worked out.
Wife and Kids are back!
I picked up the wife and kids a week ago today and we had our Christmas. It was nice to sit down and watch the kids open their presents and see the look on there faces. Every year I am overjoyed to see them happy. I care less and less about my gifts. Sign of me growing older and wise. For as we have all heard, 'It is better to give then to recieve.'
Other things: When do I get to say I'm an offical non smoker? according to my insurance it is 1 year. It is amazing that not only do I save a ton on a daily basis on smokes, but on life insurance as well... Smoking is just to costly! (duh! how long did that take me to figure out.)