I was enlightened yet again this past weekend of a aweful way of thinking that still dominates some churches. That is that a certin non-denomination is infact that only christians that will infact be saved! This is ABSERD!! Last I check the word Christian ment Christ like, and all that strive to be Christ like are christians. You don't have to fellowship with a set group of other christians and go to a certian building that has a sign out front with three words on it... This is not what makes you a christian, this is not was gives you salvation! It is not up to you to deem someone saved, That's Gods choice! Don't try and take Gods job away from him... Perhaps when people realize that everyone has a differant walk with God and everyones faith is differant, then maybe we will get along a little better and there will be less people in the world that come up to me while I am having a disscusion on religion in public and rip into me, because they had a bad experiance with a 'bible banger'.
With in the last five years I've come to a new realization of my Christian walk and how I am to teach and spead the word... and guess what? It's in the Bible!! That is to live the life of a Christian, as in, being a good person. Never push my beliefs onto others, but they know what and where I stand. If they have questions they know that I will not degrade their beliefs or try and convert them, that is their choice. I simple present the facts and what I know and let them choose.
Does this work? I don;t know who many I may have effected, but I do know of at least one. Got a phone call over the Holidays from a very good friend of mine that was very anti organized church and didn't belive the Bible as a whole, but was well versed in it (Had read it several times). I was just there being me and hoping to influance him. It started as him saying sorry everytime he used the Lord's name in vain or swore... At that point I knew I was affecting him. Then when he called he is a reborn Christian and dating a girl and planning on getting married... He said to me "Man, I should have listen to you more and asked you more questions!" This made me laugh and I just said, "I'm here still, ask away."
Now I'm not saying this method will reach all or will be a method that is good for all, but I would like to see people more Open minded and willing to learn and look at things in a differant light. One thing that I always found intresting about the Bible is I can read it 50+ times and get something new everytime! Now that is AMAZING!!
Thanks and God Bless.
Stop and Ponder: We Will See God.
Reflecting on the beauty and significance of the beatific vision, inspired
by Samuel Parkison’s new book.
3 days ago
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